Trust me you don’t want to miss out!

#1 – You’ll have lots of photo memories of your senior year
Senior Year is the most important year of your high school career. Most importantly, it goes by so quickly!! Having photo memories are so important because these are photos you’ll want to look back on many years from now. There’s nothing like looking at a photo of an important experience and reliving those exciting feelings that you once felt as a senior in high school. The senior rep team has photoshoots often which means, more photos for you to keep and enjoy! Our first team photoshoot which is a styled shoot is a mandatory shoot, but every other one is voluntary, which means the more you participate in photoshoots, the more you get out of being a Senior Rep! Check out the calendar below which shows you dates and types of sessions lined up for year 3! (scroll down to reveal all scheduled sessions)
#2 You’ll meet seniors from other high schools
My goal every year is to have a wide range of seniors from different high schools so that you can get to know different people. It’s so awesome to see seniors from all the different schools get to know each other during events and compare their senior year experiences, share ideas and encourage each other along the way. Most of the time, these are people you may have not ever met if you weren’t a part of this program.

#3 You’ll develop a friend group that supports and encourages each other
If you become a Senior Rep, you’ll receive an invitation into our group chat & zoom meetings. There, we celebrate each other, encourage each other and support each other in good times and bad. The Senior Rep team becomes your hype team and it’s awesome to know that you’ll always have a team of high school seniors that can relate to you and offer you support.

#4 You’ll be encouraged to serve others and give back to our community
Helping others and giving back to the community is a way to show gratitude for our blessings. This program encourages helping people and using our blessings to bless others. We have giveback events throughout the year where you’ll be able to earn community service hours and help others as well.

#5 You’ll develop a positive self image, build your confidence, & push yourself out of your comfort zone (in a good way)!
Let’s be honest, standing in front of a camera isn’t natural for most of us and it can be quite intimidating, or at least for me it is! These experiences teach you how to be comfortable and true to yourself in front of the camera, how to express yourself in a positive way and will be encourage to uphold a positive self image as a senior rep. Check out what some of this year’s senior reps say about their experience so far.
Hope to read your application soon!!
If you’ve applied to this program, that’s great!! I can’t wait to read it! If you haven’t, and would like to submit your application now, I’ve included it below. As always, I am available for any questions you may have.